Friday, January 16, 2015

Vengeful Threads @ Genre

There's a new round of Genre on us and this time the theme is "Celebration" because Genre is celebrating its 3rd Anniversary. In honor of that, Vixn and Vengeful Threads has released a brand new outfit called 'Star Struck' you are sure to love!
Includes the mask, wings and Slink High Feet shoes. Along with some fun body tattoo star layers!
Head over to Genre now and pick it up for 99L!

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Like us!

Ok, we at Vengeful Threads like you, we do, we really really do. But now its time for you to return the favor!
Go out to Facebook and like our Facebook page! And if you do.. you'll see there's a gift on there for the first 100 like's we've gotten!

Right now, if you've liked us on Facebook, you can go in store and grab this for FREE!
Only available at our Secondary location just follow the link!

Vixn has plans for another gift, the more Facebook likes we get!