New Year means new things at Vengeful Threads! We're starting out on the right foot with an amazing photo contest for our fans!
Must be a member of The Vengeful Threads Update Group
One entry per person.
To enter, simply take a photo of yourself in your favorite Vengeful Threads Outfit explaining why you like VT and post it to our Vengeful Threads Flickr Group! Please title your photo this way (Avatar Name)(not display name)-Name of Outfit-Date
Or drop it in the mailbox inworld if you don't have flickr!
On your entry inworld, please place it in a notecard with this format (Avatar Name) (not display name)-Name of Outfit-Date.
Notecard must be titled "Vengeful Threads Photo Contest 2016"
Feel free to use photoshop, have multiple people in your photo, get creative!! We will be judging on your creativity, not the photo quality. You may submit professional photos as well if you like.
Please note-Vengeful Threads employees and bloggers are not eligible to enter.
1st place- Entry to the Vengeful Bitch/Bastard Group (A 1K lin Value)
5000L Cash
And Outfit named for you!
Vengeful Threads 5000L in gift cards
2nd place-Entry to the Vengeful Bitch/Bastard Group (A 1K lin Value)
1000L Cash
Vengeful Threads 2000L in gift cards
3rd place-Entry to the Vengeful Bitch/Bastard Group (A 1K lin Value)
500L Cash
500L Vengeful Threads gift card
5 Honorable Mention awards
Prize: 500L Vengeful Threads Giftcards
Deadline to submit photos-March 14
Questions? Contact Aradia Mistwood
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